
Send Webpages to your Kindle directly by one command :sparkles: :octocat:


Send Webpages to your Kindle directly by one command.

1 Step Setup

Dowload this repo. Go to the downloaded directory and run:

sudo ./install.sh


That’s it. You are good to go. It will prompt you to give your Gmail and the Kindle email while Installation.

Tip : If, however, any mistake occurs during the email configuration part, run this command: ` ./config.sh ` and you will be prompted to configure the emails again.

Do Your Homeowork : Though you still need to “allow less secure apps” in Gmail settings and add this Gmail to trusted email in Kindle settings.


One command without thinking about the repository you currently are in:

webpage2kindle http://www.link.xyz filename.pdf


#Technical details

Installation Pre-requisites:

Pre-requisites are being handled by the installer script. User need not explicitly install it.

Configuration Pre-Requisites:



This project is licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.